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Showing posts from July, 2012

Snake River Stampede

This past week was the 97th Snake River Stampede.  It was a lot of fun to go to.  My sister-in-law and brother-in-law were in  town so we decided to go check this out.      One of the events at the Stampede was where a rider rode his horse through the arena and shot balloons off of these posts.  It was pretty awesome to watch.  Here is a picture of one of the riders trying to shoot the balloons.   Here is another shot of the rider shooting balloons... Here is hubby and I enjoying watching the show :) And Stacey and Reuben enjoying the show also...   And just a few more pictures of the different things  going on at the show.   At the end of the Stampede the announcer had a horse with its colt into the arena and a boy about 4 or 5 years old on his horse come out a...

God and Country rally

This past week the town I live in has a program called God and Country.  They bring in a christian band and have several local christian bands to play and at the end of the night set off fireworks for the 4th of July!  It is such a fun event.  This year my husband and I went with my brother-in-law and our best friends. Here is a picture of Bo and Kristina before the show began. And Nate and I just relaxing on the grass waiting for the concert to begin... Eric and Nathan.... Kristina and I were having a great time! They brought in the flags... During the evening is when they also do the ceremony to swear in the new recruits... The featured band of the night was Mike's Chair... Here is a picture of them during one of their songs. The sky was so beautiful as the sun was starting to set... This was a really cool idea for the fireworks, It is the American Flag with a cross in the m...