How many of you in blogger land are stay at home moms or work at home moms? I love having the chance to stay home with my little one. He is 5 months old this next Tuesday and he just changes so much every day that I am grateful to get a chance to watch him grow. I also decided to sell Jamberry Nails on the side as an Independent Consultant to bring in a little extra money for the family and I have an Etsy shop that my mom and I both work. Making projects to sell on Etsy gives me a chance to do something creative while my little one is sleeping or when my husband is home to help watch him. Selling Jamberry gives me an outlet to talk to other adults when I am home with my little one. It is not always easy but it is so worth it and I wouldn't trade my life for anything. Today I am just feeling very grateful and thoughtful since I know so many people who are fighting health battles and challenges right now. Love your family, enjoy the time y...