I love to decorate for Christmas. Seeing all of the Christmas stuff
just makes me smile. So a couple weeks ago I got my Christmas village
out and set it up on the counter leading into our kitchen.
Here is a picture of my Christmas village...
I thought I would add close up of it so you
could have a better idea of what you are looking at....
Here is a picture of the village with the Christmas lights on....
I then got our Christmas tree out so I could
decorate it. We live in an apartment so we just have
a little four foot tree.
And here is our tree with the lights on. It looks so
much better with the lights turned on.
And since I was doing the Christmas decorating inside, Nathan
got to decorate outside. Here he is starting to put the lights up.
I had to get a few different angles of him putting up the lights.
Enjoy the journey of Christmas decorating with us. Now it is time
for some hot coffee or hot apple cider to warm up. The weather
has been beautiful, but really cold here.
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