Today, I showed up! Did you show up today? What does that really mean? That can mean different things, to me sometimes it is just getting up and tackling the day. Teaching my kids their lessons (we are a homeschool family) or it can mean taking a day off from lessons to clean house and just spend time with my kids. Other days, that might mean, getting work done and school done and then having time to play or it might just mean, getting my kids to their appointments for that day. What does that look like in your world? This week I talked to one mom and asked how her day was? Her response was that she made it to story time at the library. Things hadn't been going great for her that day, but she showed up because it was important for her child. I spoke to a grandma this week and asked her about her day. Her response was, "We made it here on time. It was a crazy morning with lots of mishaps, but we showed up." How...