Today, I showed up!
Did you show up today? What does that really mean? That can mean different things, to me sometimes it is just getting up and tackling the day. Teaching my kids their lessons (we are a homeschool family) or it can mean taking a day off from lessons to clean house and just spend time with my kids. Other days, that might mean, getting work done and school done and then having time to play or it might just mean, getting my kids to their appointments for that day. What does that look like in your world?
This week I talked to one mom and asked how her day was? Her response was that she made it to story time at the library. Things hadn't been going great for her that day, but she showed up because it was important for her child. I spoke to a grandma this week and asked her about her day. Her response was, "We made it here on time. It was a crazy morning with lots of mishaps, but we showed up."
How often is our response, I showed up and we think that is not good enough? We should have had the perfect morning and everything should be running smoothly, but in all honesty, sometimes showing up is the only thing we can accomplish. Do you realize just how important that is to your children, to the ones who are expecting you? It often seems like that just isn't enough but sometimes it is just important to show up. To just be there for our kids, for our families, for our friends.
Today I want to encourage you, through all of life's ups and downs; the craziness of homeschooling, of running a business of working whether at home or outside the home, sometimes our best is just showing up. Did you show up today and feed your kids? That might be your one accomplishment for the day, but give yourself grace that that is enough for that day. Did you get up early and have your house cleaned and had something hot to drink and took time for yourself before the kids woke up and started their day? That is enough for that day.
Did you show up today? Did you really show up?
Think about that question for a few minutes. Did you show up today? Did you mentally show up to be there for your children? Did you mentally and physically show up to be there for your coworkers? For your family? For your friends? Let's stop and take time this week to make sure we are showing up. Let's not just be there physically in the room with our children but actually present, mentally and physically. Are they asking you to do something, but you are to busy on your phone or your computer to take the time to actually show up for them?
I want to encourage you today, sometimes, just saying "I showed up" is enough for that day. Sometimes it's enough so the people who are most important to you, know that you are actually there for them and your phone/tablet/computer is not more important. It can be challenging especially if you work from home, but make sure that you are taking out time today to just "Show up."
Have a fantastic day and know that sometimes just saying "I showed up" is enough.
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