I was praying for healing for some people the other day and the thought kept coming to me, if God can raise Jarius' daughter from the dead and heal the leper from leprosy, there is nothing that He can't do. I decided to look up the story of Jarius' daughter because it has been a while since I have read that. There were a few things that really struck me when I was reading this passage this time. This passage is found in Luke 8:40-56 and Mark 5:22-43
Now, I have been raised in the church and heard this story several times through my life and I am raising my kids to read the Bible now. Sometimes, I feel like when I read the Bible, "How could you not have faith and not believe when you could see what was happening right in front of you?" Did you realize that at this time in history, it had been 400 years since a prophet of God had been seen?
Now that is something amazing to me. 400 years since any miracles had been performed, yet these people heard that there was a teacher/healer in their area and only had the word of mouth from people about what was happening. In today's world, we have internet and social media so when we hear something amazing is taking place, we tend to go research it and see what really is going on. Back in Bible times, they didn't have that privilege. Another thing that really stuck out to me was that Jarius was one of the Jewish leaders and the Jewish leaders did not appreciate the fact that this teacher showed up and was teaching things that were completely opposite to what the Jewish leaders believed and were teaching.
However, when Jarius daughter became deathly ill, he went running to get Jesus to bring Him to see his daughter. I have two children and I would do anything for my children to keep them safe and healthy. I can only imagine how difficult it was for Jarius to humble himself to ask Jesus for help and then as they are finally heading to his house, there is such a huge crowd that keeps stopping them. The woman with the issue of blood touches Jesus' garment and stops Him. Have you ever been in a crowd of people? Everyone is pushing and shoving and trying to get to the front to get a better view. Yet, when this woman touches the hem of Jesus garment, he knows it immediately.
Here is another example of someone who had been sick for so long and spent all of her money on doctors and there was absolutely nothing that could heal her. She heard that a healer would be passing by her area and she thought "If only I can just touch the hem of His garment, I would be healed." What faith to have when all you had heard were rumors that this could happen. She hadn't seen Him yet, she hadn't seen miracles taking place and yet, she believed! Can you imagine that strength of faith? To believe that all she had to do was touch his garment to be healed.
I have seen miracles happen in my lifetime and yet at times I forget the vastness and amazingness of God. When life is difficult and things are raining down one after the other it is hard to remember God's faithfulness and goodness and yet, all we need is to just believe and have faith and God can still perform Miracles today for us!!!
What are you facing in your life today? Do you or someone in your family need a healing? Are you just going through something really tough that you are unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel? Just keep your focus on Jesus and remember that all we have to do is just have enough faith that if we touch the hem of His garment, we will be made whole!!!!
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