My kids love to watch Superbook, it's a cartoon about Bible stories. Today the episode was about Lazarus and about God's timing. This past weekend I heard a song on the radio and I can't remember the song, but one of the lines talks about how faith can move mountains and God can still perform miracles today. I have been thinking about those two lines this week, how God can move mountains and still perform miracles today. Do we have the faith to stand and believe this statement? Then watching Superbook with my kiddos this morning, it was all about God's timing and that sometimes God has a better plan for us than what we can think or ask for.
Have you ever felt when you were praying that you just didn't know how or when your prayers would be answered? Sometimes, it doesn't feel like your answers are coming or that your prayers are going anywhere. Did you know that God still hears each and every one of those prayers? It just might not be His timing yet for those answers to come through. God's timing is perfect because He wants to use every circumstance in our lives to show the Glory of God to others.
As a parent, have you ever had your children ask you for something that you had to tell them no or not right now? Sometimes, it can be difficult because we want to give our kids the world, but other times we know that something better is just around the corner if our kids can wait for just a little while. God is like this as a parent that He wants the very best for us, but He knows that there is something better for us if we just wait for a time for our answers.
No matter how big or how small your situation may seem, God can still use it for His glory. Just like with Lazarus, he was sick and passed away, but that was not the end of his story. Jesus went to his tomb and told Lazarus' sisters, "If you have the faith to believe, you will see God's glory today." He then turned to the tomb and said, "Lazarus, come forth." There wasn't any grand gestures, wasn't any grand answers, just simply, "Come forth," and Lazarus walked out of the tomb. Did you know God is not yet finished with your story? He has a plan for your life that you may not see right now, but it is so much better than anything you can think of for yourself.
Did you know that God still performs miracles today to show us and others God's glory? What have you been praying for? Have you felt that you just weren't getting any answers? Remember, today that God's timing is perfect and only when it will show the Glory of God to us and others will God answer our prayer in His time and in His way.
Have a blessed day,
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