Have you seen miracles in your lifetime? I have and without a doubt I’ve known it was only God’s grace and Him performing that miracle that the situation changed. I have been raised in the church and have seen many different miracles throughout my lifetime, but one of the more recent ones was when my youngest son was born. He was born at 30 weeks but had quit growing at 28 weeks gestation. He was only 2 pounds and 5 ounces when he was born. Now, I know that science and the medical field did everything they could, but I also know that it is a true miracle that he is alive today because there is only so much that humans can do on their own. It is a miracle that I survived that pregnancy also. I remember being at Heaven’s gates the night before my son was born. I was on bed rest in the hospital for 12 days before my son was born. That is one of the hardest things to go through when you have another child at home that you can’t be there to take care of them. I know that I know that I know that God can and still does perform miracles. Sometimes we have to take a step out in faith and obedience though, before God can work. Here is a picture of my youngest son 5 years ago when he was only a few weeks old. He is now 5 and thriving.
This got me to pondering about the different miracles that God performed that are in the Bible. Sometimes I wonder how the people in the Bible could lose sight of what God has done for them when they got to walk with Jesus and see miracles right there in their lives. However, I realized this week that I also have seen miracles performed by God and still sometimes lose sight of the fact that God is still performing miracles if we are obedient and willing to listen to what He is asking us to do. Did you realize that when the children of Israel came to the Red Sea, God did not part the sea right away? They had to wait all day and all night and God sent a wind to part the sea before they could walk on dry ground across to the other side. How would you feel when you come to a sea that is too big to cross, mountains on either side and an army that wants to kill you behind you? That would have been such a crazy stressful time. Sometimes I feel like that in my life. That there is nowhere to go because there is something on either side or before or behind blocking the way, but God did part the Red Sea and the children of Israel walked across on dry ground. (Exodus 14:21)
Have you read the Bible story about the woman with the issue of blood? She had been sick for 12 years. She spent all of her money on doctors and they told her there was nothing left that they could do. She would not ever get better. When she heard that Jesus would be passing through where she was, she thought if only I can just touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole. She didn’t think she even had a right to stop Him and talk to him but knew all she needed was just to touch the edge of His clothes and she would get well. (Luke 8:43) How much faith do you have? Sometimes it is difficult to hold on to faith when you are faced with seemingly impossible situations, but know that God is always there and will always do what He promised to do.
Then there was the leper. Leprosy was a disease that had no cure. In fact if you were diagnosed with leprosy you were banned to a certain area and could not see your family or loved ones except from a distance. Naaman had leprosy and was told by the Prophet of God to go dunk himself in Jordan River 7 times. Now the Jordan River was the dirtiest, nastiest river in that area. Can you imagine having to go to the dirtiest river around you and being told to get in the water and dunk yourself completely 7 times? It would be difficult for me to do that because I would be thinking about all the diseases and other nasty stuff in the water. However, Naaman dunked himself 7 times and was healed completely from leprosy. (2 Kings 5:14)
There was a lame man who couldn’t move his body and heard that Jesus would be teaching near him. His friends took him to the house where Jesus was at and they couldn’t get in so they cut a hole in the roof and lowered their friend down to Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he healed him and the man was able to pick up his cot and walk out the door. (Luke 5:17-39)
There are many, many, many stories like this in the Bible and probably almost as many stories if you took the time to talk to people in today’s world about how Jesus has healed them or performed miracles in their lives.
Do you get discouraged thinking that your situation is hopeless? Sometimes when people speak to us, they are so discouraging that it brings our attitudes down to that level and we struggle with knowing what to do. Just hang in there and know that God is working in the background to bring you to a place where He can perform a miracle that when people look at you they know without a doubt that only God could have changed the tide for you. That with people (medical, science) there wasn’t anything that could change the course you are on, but with God anything is possible. Sometimes you have to be willing to be obedient and step out in faith for God to be able to perform a miracle.
I have been thinking about God performing miracles and healings this week as my family has been facing some serious health conditions. When I think about it, the medical field and science says, “This is how it is and there isn’t much we can do,” but I know that God looks at it and he is the ruler of all doctors and science. I know that God can and still does perform miracles. This is the Day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Stand on those promises today and know that God is always working for what is the best for you even when we can’t see through the situation that we are faced with, God is still there.
such powerful words....God bless