Break down the Walls of Jericho:
My 5 year old son likes to watch Bible Stories on YouTube and the other day we were watching about the Israelites marching around Jericho. God told them to march around the city once a day for 6 days and they had to be very quiet each time. On day 4 or 5 they started to grumble that they needed a leader that would lead them in to war to take the city, but Joshua reminded them that God said they needed to just march and on the 7th day they were to march around the city 7 times.
How many times does God tell us to do something and we grumble and complain because we don't think we are getting answers fast enough?
There is a cute song that plays on the video that says: Break down the walls of Jericho, break down the walls, lift your voice and shout until the wall comes down.
On the 7th time around the city, Joshua tells the people to shout, praise, and sing for the victory is theirs. Claim the victory and the walls fell down. They didn’t have to go to battle with Jericho, they just had to be obedient to God to win the battle.
I was thinking about that the other day and it kept coming to me that we can’t physically march around our cities or countries right now, but we can spiritually march until the walls come down. Do you have walls that need to come down? We can pray and “march” until the walls come down. The walls of corruption in the government, the walls of fear from the virus, the walls of sickness. Whatever that may look like for you, we can pray and spiritually march until the walls come down. We can claim the victory because we know God has already won the battle for us. What are you battling tonight? Claim the victory and listen to what God is telling you to do to win the war.
I wrote the above when my oldest son was 5 years old. He is now 9 years old but a lot of this is still true to this day. If we are obedient and listen to God's voice when He asks us to do something, he will break down the walls for us. What are you facing today? Do you have questions and wonder what you are supposed to do at this point in time? Are you facing a battle that you have no idea how to conquer it? Just listen to the voice of God and then follow through on what he is telling you to do. That may be to quietly march around the circumstance for a few days, it may be to pray continually until the answer comes. Or it may just be to march (prayerfully if not physically) until the 7th day when we are to praise and shout and proclaim that God has given us the victory.
Today, let's break down the walls of Jericho, whatever Jericho that might be in your life.
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