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Showing posts from June, 2024

Jarius' Daughter

I was praying for healing for some people the other day and the thought kept coming to me, if God can raise Jarius' daughter from the dead and heal the leper from leprosy, there is nothing that He can't do.  I decided to look up the story of Jarius' daughter because it has been a while since I have read that.  There were a few things that really struck me when I was reading this passage this time.  This passage is found in Luke 8:40-56 and Mark 5:22-43 Now, I have been raised in the church and heard this story several times through my life and I am raising my kids to read the Bible now.  Sometimes, I feel like when I read the Bible, "How could you not have faith and not believe when you could see what was happening right in front of you?"  Did you realize that at this time in history, it had been 400 years since a prophet of God had been seen?   Now that is something amazing to me.  400 years since any miracles had been performed, yet these people heard that there

Goodness of God

Do you ever feel like life is just falling apart around you?  Some days are just plain tough.  Have you ever been told, you only have a short time left to live?   It really makes you stop and evaluate your life.   Now, before you get too concerned, I have not been given a time frame, however my father was given 1 year, possibly 2 to live.   He was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia and Parkinson disease in January of this year (2024) and it has been such a challenge for him and my mom. Recently, I was speaking to my mom and she was saying how it is so easy to have faith for other people.  If you ask me to pray for a miracle for you, no problem.  I know God can handle it, but when it is something that you are going through personally it is so much more difficult to hold on to that faith that God can do anything.  I KNOW God can perform miracles.  I have seen miracles in my lifetime, but it is still tough in our human minds sometimes to comprehend that God is still there. When thinking ab