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Showing posts from 2025

Our words make a difference

Growing up, were you ever told, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?"  I remember being taught this when I was pretty young.  Our words matter and if we can't say something nice, it's better not to say anything.  In today's world, especially with social media, it seems that a lot of people have forgotten this message or maybe were never taught it to begin with.  Another childhood saying was "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."  Unfortunately, this saying is not true either.  Words can cause lasting damage that is very difficult to overcome. We need to be mindful when we are speaking that our words are used to encourage and uplift one another and not used to destroy each other.  There is a scripture verse that I have been meditating on this week and it is listed below.  It states that our conversation needs to be seasoned with salt, but also full of grace so that we know how to answer ...

God's timing

My kids love to watch Superbook, it's a cartoon about Bible stories.  Today the episode was about Lazarus and about God's timing.  This past weekend I heard a song on the radio and I can't remember the song, but one of the lines talks about how faith can move mountains and God can still perform miracles today.  I have been thinking about those two lines this week, how God can move mountains and still perform miracles today.  Do we have the faith to stand and believe this statement?  Then watching Superbook with my kiddos this morning, it was all about God's timing and that sometimes God has a better plan for us than what we can think or ask for. Have you ever felt when you were praying that you just didn't know how or when your prayers would be answered?  Sometimes, it doesn't feel like your answers are coming or that your prayers are going anywhere.  Did you know that God still hears each and every one of those prayers?  It just might not be His ...