Do you ever feel like you have been put on a shelf and no one ever truly sees you anymore? Do you feel like your life has been shattered and you aren't sure how to put the pieces back together or even if you want to try and put them back together again? Life can be messy and stressful and difficult, but it can also be beautiful amidst all of the struggles.
One of my hobbies is making broken glass jewelry. Do you know the process is very interesting to make this jewelry. First, you have to find some cool china or maybe it's not that cool yet, but you see the potential of what it could be. Have you ever thought that might be what God is looking at when he looks at you? Do you know that God sees so much potential in you that you can't even see at this particular point in time in your life. When we are broken or facing difficulties in life it is hard to feel like we have any value in us, but God sees so much potential when He looks at you.
In making jewelry, when I have found the china or glass that I want to use, I then either drop it to break it into pieces or I take a glass cutting tool and start cutting away the parts that I don't want to use right then. I save those pieces because I know that I can use them at another time for a different project, but it is not what I want for this particular piece of jewelry. Once you have the piece that you want to work with, you then have to sand and sand and sand until all the sides are smooth and not sharp any longer. Oftentimes, I then take a break and walk away for a day or two and then come back and sand and sand and sand some more because I want all the sharp edges filed off and sanded down so the piece I am working with is smooth as can be.
Sometimes I feel like God is working on my life like this also. He is sanding and cutting away portions that aren't needed and sanding down the rough edges to make them smooth and to make something beautiful. More than anything else we are to reflect God's glory so others can see Him through us. Sometimes, God has to cut away the unnecessary things in our lives so that He can bring out His glory in us to show others.
Remember when you are going through hard times that God is working on your life to make something beautiful.
so true and thank you