A few weekends ago I went to a Ladies Retreat with my friend Kristina. It was a great time getting to
know some really awesome women. Here is a picture of the retreat building. It is a campground/retreat that is owned by the Nazarene Church. They rent it out to a lot of different groups.
Here is my friend Kristina in front of the building where we were staying.
And below is a picture of me in front of the building.
This was the room that we were staying in...It had about 8 bunk beds in each of the rooms.
Kristina and I were both on the top bunk beds.
The campground hires a chef to prepare all of our meals.
This was our breakfast the first morning we were there.
They had quite a bit of food prepared for us.
Here is a picture of the building at night. I thought it looked really neat with
all of the lights on!
We had some free time on Saturday. Here is a picture of me
making a card. I am not real creative with this type of thing, but
the lady in charge of the crafts had some really awesome stuff to work with and
a lot of great ideas.
Here are a couple of pictures of other ladies working on their craft projects.
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