So now that is it starting to get nice outside, it is time
to start working on the yard and trying to get it under
Here is Nathan trimming up a few of the bushes
in the front of our house.
Look at what a mess we are creating, but
at least the bushes will look nice and pretty
once we get them cut back to where they
should be...
Here I am helping to trim the shrubs..
Nathan is testing the sprinkler system so we can
start watering our grass. :)
Here is a picture of the front of our house...
Once we finished on the bushes, we decided it
was time to move to the backyard. I decided
that I wanted to try my hand at a raised garden.
Here is my picture of trying to start the raised garden.
And just a few random pictures taken of the back yard.
My parents came down to visit and to do the
Idaho's Largest Yard Sale (you can see about
that in my other post), so while they were down here
they decided to help us work on the back yard
before they headed home.
Here they are helping to level my raised garden
and Dad is helping to bring fill dirt to put around...
Discussing the best place to put everything..
In the middle of this I planted Blueberry plants
and then around the edges I rotated
Marigolds and Purple/White Petunias.
Here are my Tomato Plants...
And I thought you might like to see a few
pictures of the backyard now that we
have been working on it for a couple
And of course, we had to take a break to just
enjoy the sunshine...
The final product after a couple hours of work...
Mom and Dad are now relaxing and enjoying
all of the hard work they did before they head home..
Thank you to Mom and Dad for helping us get the
raised garden planted and leveled.
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